Instead of just posting the finished crochet project, this time I'm also documented all the steps it takes to design and crochet my own pattern.

Flausch in Pink
Nach einigen turbulenten Wochen gibt es endlich wieder Neuigkeiten.
Mein neustes Häkelprojekt ist ein flauschiger Pullover mit Kapuze. Damit fühl ich mich wie ein pinkes Plüschtier und bin im flausch Himmel.

Good things take time. It took about nine months from the idea to the completion of the sweater.
The effort was worth it, as the optical illusion of the elephant looks stunning even as a crocheted piece of art.

May I introduce?
My three funny cacti friends!
My cousins and a friend of mine are the reason for these three cuddly cute cacti.

Pink Love
So schön und so flauschig!
So wie mein Lebensbaum ist auch der Pullover ein "Ich will was mit diesem Garn machen"-Projekt.
Ich musste nur meine bessere Hälfte davon überzeugen, dass er noch ein Pullover braucht.

My latest crochet project is finished:
A beautiful "Red Panda"-sweater!
It's multicolored again, but with a different, thicker yarn.

Have you ever heard of a rhynchocyon?
I only recently lead about their existence, when I was aked, if I could crechet one.
Now I know them, and I can crochet one!

After many months of crocheting, I may present you my Celtic Tree Jacket.
This time, I did the tree in a different color as the rest of the jacket. It was not always easy to crochet - and all the threads to darn in - but it was worth every hour of work!

Gli, Gla, Glitzer!
Welches Accessoire braucht man zu seinem glitzerigen Zacken-Rock?
Natürlich Glitzer Stulpen!
Zum Glück liebt meine Cousine Glitzer, und hat Freunde an jedem Stück, dass ich ihr häkle.

mit ganz viel Glitzer
Nicht ganz so spektakulär wie mein letztes Projekt, aber dafür mit umso mehr Glitzer:
Ein Zacken-Falten-Rock für meine Cousine!

Mein keltischer Lebensbaum ist einem mitternächtlichen Geistesblitz entsprungen. Der Pullover hat viel Zeit und Geduld in Anspruch genommen, und ich bin wahnsinnig stolz auf das Endergebnis. Für mich ist es mein persönliches Meisterwerk!

Dinosaurier Jacke
Die Dinos sind los!
Dieses Mal habe ich gefragt, über welches Motiv sich der Nachwuchs freuen würde.
Dinosauriers sind aktuell ganz toll.
Jetzt läuft irgendwo ein süsses Mädchen ganz stolz mit ihrer Dinosaurier Jacke herum!

As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. This includes four cute dino appliqués.
A bit delayed, I am now introducing my Triceratops. Cute, isn't she?

As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.
Today, I would like to introduce my version of a Pterodactylus.

As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.
Today, I'd like to introduce my T-Rex lady.

As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.
First, let me introduce you to my Brachiosaurus.

Flower Meadow Jacket
with spiders, ladybugs and butterflies
My latest creation is a flower meadow jacket for the next generation. Both the flowers and the inhabitants of the meadow are all appliqués.
So you could say: I sewed just as much as I crocheted and stitched many more threads...

Flower Dress
chrocheted work of art
At the beginning of the year, I "persuaded" my cousin to let me crochet a summery flower dress for her. It consists of a light blue skirt with flower lace and a sleeveless white top. Additionally, it has a deep back and the entire neckline is also bordered with the flower lace.

Red Panda
I crocheted a basket with a red panda face on it for the laundry room. Now it happily hangs on the towel rack, watching us while we work.

Bee Jacket
Buzz buzz buzz,
Little bee buzzing around.
nursery rhyme
I came across the idea on Pinterest to crochet a cute summer jacket with honeycomb patterns and bee appliques.
I think: the jacket turned out absolutely adorable!

Patchwork Jacket
Something new for the next generation:
a fun patchwork jacket!
I often see patchwork jackets, but I had never tried making one myself - until now. I'm happy with the result and it was definitely fun to make.

Panda Pullover
with link to the pattern
My latest creation:
a cute panda sweater!
I am allowed to crochet as much as I want for my friend's daughter - or until I run out of good ideas. Not happening soon!

combination of snake and boredom
May I introduce?
This is my "Schlangeweile" (a pun in German, meaning "snake-boredom") from the book "Das NEINhorn und die SchLANGEWEILE" by Marc-Uwe Kling.
I did not follow a specific instruction and my own notes are unfortunately too sparse to create a tutorial.

May I introduce?
Amy Pond from Doctor Who! I love her story, from the kitchen scene until her final decision to be captured by a weeping angel to follow Rory.

May I introduce?
One of my favorite characters of in Doctor Who is River Song. I love her story and how sassy and charming she is - even at the end.
I think my version is quite cute. If you like her too, you can try to follow my pattern.

May I introduce?
This is my cute version of a "weeping angel" from the Doctor Who universe.
I tried to write down my pattern. So if you like it, you can make one yourself.

May I introduce?
This is Nestor, the monster of Loch Ness, from the book "Magische Häkelfreunde" (magical crochet friends).
I am completely in love with him! He can express himself so well and has already won a place in my heart with his smile.

May I introduce?
This is my attempt at a cute Niffler. I was asked by the next generation if I could crochet one for them. I think he turned out to be a sweet little guy who is already looking forward to his new home.

May I introduce?
This is my sweet coven: herbal witch, magician, sorcerer, evil witch, good witch... The herbal witch is of my own making, the others are made following instructions from Jonas Matthies.

Hamish, der Hippogrphy
May I introduce?
This is Hamish, the hippogryph, from the book "Magische Häkelfreunde" (magical crochet friends).
He has settled in well with the group and has found new, magical friends.

May I introduce?
This is my version of the Pokémon "psyduck".
I find him quite cute, so if someone wants to try to follow my pattern, be my guest.

Raiko, the Raiju
May I introduce?
This is Raiko, the Raiju from the book "Magische Häkelfreunde".
He is a cute cuddly dog with floppy ears.

Devon & Devin
May I introduce?
The dragons Devon & Devin have welcomed a new addition: Deven.
Devon & Devin are in my cousins favorite colors and have safely arrived in Italy.

Yeti Junior
May I introduce?
This is Yeti Junior from the book "Magische Häkelfreunde".
His hair took around three hours of work, but it was worth it. Overall, he's a little lanky - and adorably cute!

May I introduce?
This is Madremonte. After I could only finish her upper body at first, she is now, in the new year, finally complete. She struggles to stand alone, but she is happy to be with us.

"Magische Häkelfreunde"
My cousins surprised me with the crochet book "Magische Häkelfreunde" (magical crochet friends).
The book contains 14 charmingly cute patterns. I will definitely be crocheting at least 11 of them! So, I will be busy with this sweet gift for a while.

Grim Reaper
May I introduce?
This cute Grim Reaper is based on a pattern by Jonas Matthies. He will soon be getting some companions: a few skeletons, Baron Samedi, and perhaps he will also get along with the vampires?

May I introduce?
Bulbasaur! Now the Pokémon trio is complete.
The pattern is made by me: the body is great, the head is not entirely "Bulbasaur", but it's still super cute

May I introduce?
This is Squirtle based on a pattern by Jonas Matthies. He has already made friends with Charmander. The two are excited to see if they will have more friends soon.

Sweater with Flame Pattern
Once you try Cashseta Linea Pura, always Cashseta Linea Pura!
After making a cozy sweater, I had to make a second one. The yarn is great to work with and incredibly comfortable to wear!
The sweater is finally finished and even more impressive than I had hoped!

May I introduce?
This is Charmander based on a pattern by Jonas Matthies. Currently, he's alone, but soon he'll have other Pokémon to play with.

May I introduce?
This is Cthulhu, following a pattern by Jonas Matthies. Along with Gratch, this cute guy is responsible for me looking at the different patterns by Jonas.

"Kara" & "Kora"
May I introduce?
These are Kara and Kora. Kara was crocheted following a Hoooked pattern and Kora was crocheted following a pattern by Jonas Matthies. Both were made using the same Munja yarn.

Teddy "Baer"
May I introduce?
This little teddy bear is called "Bear" - I'm not very original when it comes to names of bears...
The pattern is again from Jonas Matthies.

Dragon "Gratch"
May I introduce?
I named this cute dragon "Gratch." I found the pattern on ravelry and it is designed by Jonas Matthies.

Whale "Pepper"
May I introduce?
This cute guy's name is Pepper and is based on a pattern by Hoooked.
When sewn together, it measures about 20cm in length and 15cm in width.

Hippo "Heinz"
May I introduce?
This big guy is named Heinz and is again based on a pattern from Hoooked.
When sewn together, he is about 50cm long and 30cm high.

Hedgehog "Ida"
May I introduce?
This cute hedgehog lady is named Ida. The instructions are from HeArtDeco and are simple and easy to understand.
When finished, she is cute 5 cm small.

Donkey "Joe"
May I introduce?
This cute donkey is called Joe and is based on a pattern from Hoooked.
When finished, he is about 16cm high and 14cm wide (with ears).

Dino Lino
May I introduce?
This cute dino is called Lino! The pattern is from HeArtDeco and is written in an easy and clear way.
Once sewn together, he is about 16cm high, 10cm wide and 12cm long.

Unicorn "Elena"
The big unicorn sister "Elena" was happily received by her new best friend - but she didn't want to go in the bathtub with her.

Cozy Sweater
On the first visit to Onza per Onza, I had admired the yarn "Cashseta Linea Pura" by Lana Grossa: it is super soft to the touch!
After a long back and forth - with myself - I finally convinced myself to buy the wool and crochet a cozy sweater for myself.

Sir Octus
May I introduce?
Sir Octus and his brother! The pattern was designed by Sarah Hearn.
If you prefer German, you can switch. I asked and Sarah allowed my to publish a German version.

Fuzzy Baby Clothing
The set of jacket and pants was finished after two weeks - it only took a month to upload to my blog... That's what happens when I finish crocheting in the middle of the week and don't upload the photos immediately.
By the way, the yarn was still really fuzzy after I finished crocheting everything!

Turtle "Jake"
May I introduce?
This cute turtle is named Jake and is one of the "starter kits" from Hoooked - and the instructions are error-free!
When fully assembled, it is about 18cm wide and 22cm long. The shell has a diameter of about 12cm.

Outside it is snowing and in our apartment, the black-pink lumberjacket is being finished. The yarn for the jacket was organized through a pick-up service during the lockdown.
Fortunately, we were able to go back to the store and browse all possible buttons.

Unicorn "Nora"
May I introduce?
These magical unicorns are named Pink, Bubble Gum, Nara, and Nora and were crocheted according to a pattern from Hoooked.
Once they were fully sewn together, they are approximately 14cm tall and 13cm wide.

Winter Socks
What does a woman do when she has freezing cold feet all winter long?
She crochets a pair of socks, then another pair two sizes bigger, fills the space with filling material, and sews it all up. Voila, the super-duper-warm socks are ready!

Stitch Markers
How often have you read in a pattern that you should mark a stitch or row? I think I haven't had a single pattern without at least one mention of these markers.
In this post, I want to show you the types of markers I know and explain what I appreciate about each of them.

Cow "Kirby"
May I introduce?
This cute cow is named Kirby and is one of the "starter kits" from Hoooked - if you need help with the instructions, read on!
When finished, it is approximately 19cm tall, 17cm wide and 14cm deep.

counting rows while crocheting
one, two, three...
Especially with large crochet projects, you often have to repeat the same pattern over several rows, for example, R1-10: 1sc in each st.
What method do you use to keep track of your progress? I know and use three different methods.

Little Heart
A little heart in his arms shall increase the cuteness factor of Elephant Mo - after all, we want him to make a good impression!
I wasn't satisfied with any pattern I found online. After some experimenting, I now have a pattern for cute little hearts.

Crocheted Yarn Bag
If you have ever worked on a larger project, for example a sweater, then you surely know:
yarn ball one, yarn ball two...
balls of yarn everywhere!

Elephant "Mo"
May I introduce?
This cute elephant's name is Mo and he's one of the "Starter Kits" from Hoooked.
When sewn together, he's approximately 23cm tall and 18cm wide.