01. August 2024

I have a "photo box" to photograph my amigurumis and miniatures.


Normally there is plenty of space and the size is ideal...


It was a little tight for the cacti <(^.^)>

Work in Progress

or how the pots became so cute



These little, sweet guys came about from a fun combination of a love for cacti, a photo my cousins showed me, leftover yarn from a friend, and a good dose of "boredom." Recently, I received some leftover yarn and wanted to make something cute out of it. Over the weekend, I finally had a stroke of inspiration: I remembered a photo my cousins had shared with me. It showed a crocheted cactus in a bookshelf.


So, I looked at a few pictures on Pinterest and eventually decided to just start crocheting. The "Golden Barrel Cactus" was my first attempt. I love it, and there were still a few hours left of my weekend. So, next, I made the "Prickly Pear Cactus". And after that, there were still a few hours left. For the third cactus, I wanted to make a Saguaro Cactus. They're pretty cool, right? Crocheting the "right angle" took me several tries until I finally had the clever idea: I'll do it just like the heel of my socks! It worked perfectly, and now I'm the proud mom of a Saguaro Cactus that doesn't prick me.


The pots were another lucky idea. Somewhere, I had seen crocheted cacti with faces and found them "cute." However, since I'm not particularly good at embroidering on crocheted items, I decided to paint the pots instead. First, I sketched with a pencil, and then I successfully repurposed my miniature paints.

After everything was dried, I filled the pots with a bit of stuffing, brushed the edge with white glue, and then inserted the crocheted base. For those interested: gluing first and then sewing on the cactus made it easier for the cactus to stand well. However, it's definitely easier to sew the cactus onto the base when there's no pot in the way.


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